Thursday, October 2, 2008

Not frustrated, not frustrated, not frustrated....

Today's e-mail from HCMC stated that they received our package of additional documentation, however, they cannot accept paperwork from our agency on our behalf. The paperwork has to come from us directly.

(Not frustrated, not frustrated, not frustrated....)

What?? Sounds like another delay tactic to me!

(Not frustrated, not frustrated, not frustrated....)

Seems like our agency should have known this, but rather than place blame and focus on that, I forwarded the e-mail to them and asked them what/how we should do as next step.

(Not frustrated, not frustrated, not frustrated...)


Anonymous said...

Ridiculous. Why would anyone care from which address the paperwork came if it's the paperwork requested? Oy.

Kerri said...

Can you just imagine what might happen if you could actually SEE and TOUCH these people who are keeping you from your sweet baby! (not frustrated!)