Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Student of the Week!!

Yep! That's our boy!! Student of the Week - - - !! We're so proud of him; he's such an awesome kid!

We had a fun Labor Day weekend with dear friends from Atlanta here (shout-out to the T clan!). We took the boat out and went to our "soon-to-be" new dock. The kids had a blast swimming and riding the boat towable (sort of like an innertube, but you sit in it). They were worn out and having fun! I was worried about Shawn's back, but he was cautious so he felt okay afterward.

We close on our new lot on Friday and are going to get to go see a Show House for a floor plan we found that we love! Check out the "Lifestyles Home" plan on this website: It is a beautiful house with every feature (including TWO pooper rooms in the master bath!) we could have dreamed and a couple we will do without (the elevator, for one!). I can't wait to see it "live"!!!

Sorry, but still no news about the adoption. I just hope that all this waiting isn't in vain and that whatever documentation will be provided will be just what we need to get I-600 approval!! Today is day #134 after Acknowledgment of Receipt (!!).

Kai turned 10 months old on Saturday, so we had to return most of the 6 - 9 month summer outfits we had. It broke my heart. Happy Birthday, Sweet Angel - - - - we will be coming to get you just AS SOON AS we can!!

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