Thursday, August 14, 2008

Might as well....

I think I have mentioned somewhere along the way that Shawn has to have back surgery to fix a ruptured disk he has battled for the last 15 years. The original plan was to do it as soon as we returned from Vietnam, but given the delay we received last week we figured it would probably be best to go ahead and have the surgery. He should have time to heal before we travel, and this way he won't be in pain when we do travel.

SOOO - - - the surgery is scheduled for TOMORROW morning, thanks to a last-minute cancellation. Austin will spend the night with friends (thanks Caroline and Jodi!) so he doesn't have to miss school, and I will take Shawn to Atlanta tonight since he has to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m.!

I'm really okay with this; it is probably the best thing to do. I would like to think that there would be some news in adoption world this week, but - honestly - I don't think there will be. The discrepancy has to be cleared up, even if the birthmother cannot be located, and I have a feeling there will not be a quick resolution......still staying positive, though, and the surgery will be a distraction! I probably will not have another chance to blog until this weekend....

Good luck to all my pre-school moms out there who start school this week! I hope everything goes smoothly, and I will MISS YOU ALL at the playgroups!! Hopefully, I will have another pre-schooler very soon and we can all catch up!


M and M Nichols said...

Waiting for good news about the back surgery and your trip to Vientma! We are sending good thoughts your way!

Armstrongs said...


I have missed seeing you. I feel like the blog has kept me in the loop without having to call or email and bother you with questions about what is going on. You remain a constant in our prayers! Can I bring dinner next week?