Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another hurdle crossed

Shawn's back surgery went well, and we are back home today to begin recovery. The surgeon was able to remove a "good chunk" of the herniated part of the ruptured disk, and he said the prognosis is very good. However, for several weeks, Shawn cannot lift anything heavier than a bag of sugar and he has to avoid bending or twisting. That should be interesting!

But for the time being, he is on pain medication and is taking it easy.....

In adoption news, our agency's in-country facilitator is meeting with the Hung Yen officials on Tuesday. The officials have been working on our paperwork, so we should know more after that. AT LEAST it is being worked on, but we have no idea what to expect as an outcome. I'm staying positive for some kind of direction as a result.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Anonymous said...

I've been dealing with back pain for a few years now and can't imagine living with it for 15 years. I'm glad to hear Shawn's doing well and hope his recovery will finally bring relief.

I think you have every reason to feel hopeful. It seems like these meetings bring results for many families. Looking forward to hearing the outcome!

Kelly said...

My father had the surgery quite a while ago and is doing very well. I wish Shawn a speedy recovery so he can be at the LaGrange College football games starting soon! Miss seeing you at St. Mark's and playgroups! You're family continue to be in my prayers!