Thursday, March 20, 2008

Oh, the wisdom of Tom Petty...

Tom Petty had it right all along.....the waiting IS the hardest part!

I wish there was something new to report about in adoption-world, but there just isn't. It has been 2 months since our referral, so the VN approval is hopefully only 2-4 weeks away. Then we file the I-600 (US-CIS form) and wait some more. This is where it gets interesting: it's is supposed to only take 60 days. Now they're saying "oops, we meant 60 BUSINESS days", which adds about 16 days to the process (for whoever is counting!). AND....many people are having to wait 90 or 100 days for approval! It's C-R-A-Z-Y!!

Anyway....I'm trying not to whine, obsess about it, or be upset. I know that the timing is in God's hands, and I remain faithful in that. There's nothing that we can do, anyway, except to encourage others to write their congressmen and representatives (which I am doing).

Once again, I am reminded of the Serenity Prayer.....I try to live my life by it!!

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