Well, who would have believed it?? Here I am.....bloggin'!! It was almost too easy....did I do something wrong?? I guess we'll see! Thanks to Amanda and Jessica for encouraging me to do this.....they are veteran bloggers, so expect to be getting LOTS of questions, ladies!
I've been lurking around the Vietnam adoption blogs for months now as Shawn and I completed our paperchase, submitted our dossier (DTV) and waited for a referral. That part of the process - although lengthy and time-consuming - was fairly uneventful. However......as of yesterday, we received and accepted a referral for a nearly three-month old baby girl!! We are SO thrilled, excited, and anxious to meet her!! We've been told to expect a 5-6 month wait until traveling to Vietnam, but we are hoping it won't take that long. Just to see her sweet face is such a joy! Her referral picture is all we had hoped it would be. She is perfect in every way and an answer to all of our prayers! I wish I could share her picture with everyone, but until it's official, that will have to be a privilege reserved just for friends and family.......
We have a five year old son (biological), Austin, who is very excited to be a big brother! It will be interesting to see how he transitions into that role since he has been the focus of our lives since he was born. He's a great kid, though, and I know he will be just fine. As we got the good news yesterday, I told the agency representative that I was "just one big chill bump" and Austin said he had the "hibbie jibbies"....whatever that means!! :)
We have so much to do before Kai comes home....I look forward to blogging about it all with you!!